There is no place like home

There is no place like home
Tet holiday is coming and I am looking forward to going home where I was born and the most peaceful place in my life, Quỳnh Thanh – a small, poor village in Nghệ An province. When I was a child, I always desired to live, study and work in city. At that time, I only wanted to leave home to get a better life and have more chances to discover interesting things in this life. However, after 5 years living in a big city, Sài Gòn, I just recognized that “there is no place like home”. Therefore in this writing, I will show you the differences between country life and city life and why I want to live in countryside.
In city life, we have chance to enjoy a wonderful life of entertainment and perceiving knowledge.  There is no shortage of sights to see, museums to visit, restaurants to eat, parks to relax and see friends, art galleries to explore, theatres or cinemas to watch films or enjoy music, so on. Supermarkets, markets and shops are found everywhere, so we can buy anything which we need if we can afford it. Moreover, living in a city offers people many opportunities that just aren’t available in small towns or villages. We can easily find a job, earn lots of money and have a comfortable life. Besides, we can improve our knowledge easily by attending any schools, universities or evening classes where experienced teachers and professors are willing to satisfy our desire for knowledge. One more thing is city life helps us more confident and stronger to stand firm and cope with the challenges and difficulties in this life.
However, city life is also extremely stressful and pressured. The traffic, the crowds and noise make us overwhelmed, so we will be very difficult to find a peaceful place to enjoy the fresh air of nature. Really, there is no doubt that city life is less safe than country life. Crime rates are generally higher and some areas of cities can be dangerous, so to trust in someone in city is very difficult. Moreover, pollution by factories and heavy traffic may cause serious diseases to us. Especially, living in city is very difficult to build a good relationship with neighbors, so we sometimes feel alone among a big society without humanity.
If city life makes us pleased with material life, country life can give us a simple life and deep peace in our heart. In country life, we can escape the noise of traffic and the stress of crowds, so we will enjoy the feeling of peace - a deep peace. There is less pollution and pressure from the transportation or the busy work in the company. It is quiet and life here is very slow and easy. In the countryside, people plant vegetables and raise cattle, so the food is very fresh here, so if we have no money, we don’t need to worry that we have nothing to eat. Besides, living in the countryside is cheaper than it is in the city, so we probably may afford many things because the prices are lower. In addition, the air is clean, so every morning, we can enjoy the fresh air, listen to the sounds of birds singing which we will never find in city. Being in the countryside and close to nature helps our mind and body to be healthy and soothing. Moreover, the people are friendly. Everyone knows one another and if someone has a problem, they are always willing to help and share in any situation.

Although there is less to do in the countryside, especially in the evening and can make us feel bored, we don’t need to hurry and be pressured by earning a living. Besides, there are no cinemas, fewer restaurants, coffee shops to gather with friends, but we have communal houses to gather everyone to sing, share and dance together.  Even hospital and medical center are further away and this could be a problem, especially in emergencies, but the life in countryside is very peaceful and quiet, so peace in their heart helps them overcome the lack of material. Especially, countryside is where we have family, neighbors, relatives and friends, so we always have a solid shoulder to lean on before the ups and downs of life. Therefore, five year’s living in city, it is not too long, but it is enough to be aware of where is the best place in my life. Countryside – where I can find the real peace, release the worries about study, work, money and don’t need to wear any “mask” to live and make someone pleased.


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