Nursing House

Nursing House

A boy just came back home after visiting a nursing house, his father asked him:
-          How about your trip, son?
He didn’t answer his question, but he looked at his father and said
-          Daddy, I promise when you are old, I will never take you to nursing house. I will take care of you and love you as you love me because an old man told me that: “Only selfish children just take their parents to nursing house and no good one wants to put a loved one there”. I’m not a selfish child and I don’t want you to live there with strangers.
His father didn’t say anything, only looked at his 10-year-son with a loving gaze.

This story makes us think of the responsibility of children to elderly parents. Have you ever wondered when your parents are old, you will take them to nursing house or let them live with you and take care at home? Many people say that, today, they have no time to take care of their parents, because they are too busy with their work, so moving their parents to  nursing house is the best way to give them a better life. However, not few people say that parents spent whole life to love and take care of us, so when we grow up, we have to be responsible to love and take after of them as they did to us.
At the present day, our life is too busy, we have to work a lot to earn a living, so we cannot take much time to care for family, especially elderly parents. Besides that, today there are many nursing houses which are built with the best service to care of elderly people. Clearly, we cannot negate the benefits of nursing house in this modern society. Living in a nursing house, it is understandable that elderly parents will be provided a professional health care. We know that the elderly parents often get health troubles easily. However, when they live in nursing house they don’t need to worry much because a  nursing house is obviously equipped with good facilities that could assist them in health. Moreover, it’s obvious that there are many proficient staff in nursing house. They have intimate knowledge of how to take care of elderly parents best. Besides that, in nursing house, elderly parents will have a nutritious diet that is suitable for their ages. This is really important for elderly parents to protect and improve their good health. Therefore, when elderly parents live in nursing house, their children don’t need to worry much about eating and drinking of parents and spend much time to caring for them.
On the other hand, parents spent whole their life to love and take care of us and were beside us in any situation, why do we put them into a nursing house when they are old? After years of hard work, they tried their best to give us a happy life. Their life were too busy and difficult, too, but they never left us alone and forgot to protect and care for us.  Clearly, when we were a little child, they were patient to teach the first lessons in our life; when we grew up, they were always beside us to encourage and support us; when we got sick, they were willing to stay up to care for you; even when we were far away from home, they didn’t mind to pass a long way to visit us. They love us by all their heart, all their life and they also want to live with us when they are old. They want to see, talk and hear “Good morning” and “Goodnight” every day. Certainly, when they are old, their happiness is to live happy with their children. Therefore, how are they if one day their children move them to nursing house? And if we are happy and peaceful when our elderly parents live far away from us in a strange world?

How do you imagine if you are old, your children will put you into a nursing house? Of course, you never want to be there, live in a place which is lack of laughter and care of our own children. Perhaps, elderly parent will have chance to be helped and cared with good facilities, proficient staff or a nutritious diet, but how they fill the emptiness in their heart. Moreover, family is cradle of love and care, our parents spent whole life caring of us, so we also have the responsibility to love and care of them. Therefore to conclude, we look back the sentence of the old man told the little boy and think about it: “Only selfish children just take their parents to nursing house and no good one wants to put a loved one there”.


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