Politics: A Complex World

Politics: A Complex World
We often say that: This life is very complex. Sometimes, we do not know where true is or how to know exactly whether we are living in a real life.  Because, we see clearly too many bad acts or difficult things around us what happens in daily life. Therefore, we try to find a “world”, a “place” where we belong to or have what we want to. However it is impossible. We have only one life, so we have to live, though we want or not. Therefore, it requires us to learn how to live, face and deal with it.

Politics is life, so it is very complex, too. We will not easy to understand what happens in politics. Machiavelli mentioned in the book “The Prince” that: The power is limited, but people who want to have power are very numerous, so they have to use trickery to have or keep their position in politics. If someone who says that they do not use trickery to have power, it means they lie. It is a deception[1].

Moreover, he also said that: a prince (a leader) should know how to employ the nature of man and that of the beast as well. Because there are two ways which a leader can achieve great things: Law and Force. Law is practiced by men, the other by animals. However, law is often insufficient, it becomes necessary to use force. Furthermore, it is necessary for a prince (a leader) should know how to color this nature well and how to be a great hypocrite and dissembler[2].

A leader who leads a political system, a nation has to be a great hypocrite and dissembler, so it is easy to understand why there are many things which we do not know where is true or not in politics. This example will show that: something what we think it is very simple in reality, but it becomes very complex in politics.
I always kept a neutral relationship with Communist in Vietnam. I did not hate this party, and I did not love this one either. However, last summer vacation, I was very surprised and so angry with some officials in Kontum province, Vietnam that I wanted to go to ethnic village to help the poor: Teaching English, catechism, life skill, visiting the poor and working with them. However, the officials did not allow me to work there with the reason that: They do not believe that I only help the poor. They thought that I have another reason to be there. It means I want to entice the people there to against government - Communist. Really, I could not think that because of their “chair”, their position, they become to be stupid with “crazy actions”. I do not want to blame this ultra thought for government system there, because they also had to obey their leader. However, I could recognize a thought which is too ultra, selfish of Communist.

[2] Niccolo Machiavelli,The Prince, Washington Square Press. ING, New York, 1963. Page 76


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