
Success - a desire which is many people want to achieve in this life. Each of us has a different definition and thinking about success. With some people, success is when they have a good job and a happy family.  Others think that success is when we are pleased with this life and what we have. However, I believe that we will have common ideas about factors lead to success.

First, success is not an easy thing to achieve. It is not naturally lucky, but it requires us a long process of effort. We have to try our best, if we really want to be successful. For example, a student wants to get the scholarship in school, he/her has to spend many times for studying. An employee wants boss to raise salary, he/she has to try a lot in work. Therefore, effort is an important factor that leads us to success. Moreover, to be successful, we always have to be patient and dare to face with our failure. We have to be aware of effort even in our failure to keep trying.

Secondly, to be successful, we need to have a preparation. As we said: “success requires a long process”, so that process is preparation. We have to prepare knowledge, experience and even psychology to face the challenges, the difficulties and failure on the way to achieve success. To get good job after graduation, a student has to prepare at least four years at school. She/he has to study many things, face with many difficulties to get knowledge and experience. Therefore, if we want to be successful, we have to have a preparation carefully.

Thirdly, failure is an important factor to lead you to success. Success will become more meaningful when we stand up and continue to attempt after failures. Frank Tyger says: “To be successful, you've got to be willing to fail.” Indeed, when we dare to accept and face with our failures that is time to grow up from experiences and know to appreciate what we reach.

In short, there are many factors leading us to success. Nevertheless, we always have to try every day, have a good preparation and willing to accept failure to get experience on the way to achieve success.


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